> 2. After a tasktracker is launched, in what condition it's status will
> > update to FINISHED?
> > In my cluster, sometimes it will never end until I restart the jobtracker.
> > Sometimes it will end if there is no task or job in jobtracker to run.
> The expected case is that the task tracker is finished/killed if there is
> no task/job assigned to it. If there is an idle task tracker for a long
> time it's probably a bug (@brenden can correct me if the semantics have
> changed around this). Some logs would help diagnose the issue.

So, at the very beginning, if all the resource are assigned to hadoop, and 
after that, there are always enough jobs in jobtracker, is that meanning that 
the other framework will never get resource? 
Is it fair to do so ?

> -----原始邮件-----
> 发件人: "Vinod Kone" <vinodk...@gmail.com>
> 发送时间: 2014年1月28日 星期二
> 收件人: dev <dev@mesos.apache.org>
> 抄送: "u...@mesos.apache.org" <u...@mesos.apache.org>
> 主题: Re: Please Help me about hadoop on Mesos
> >
> > I have some questions about running hadoop on top of Mesos, please help me.
> > 1. when a tasktracker is launched, if n cpu core are allocated to it, it
> > can only launch n-1 map tasks. Could someone tell me why? And, if I want to
> > run map-only job, what should I do to run n map tasks on a n cpu resource
> > offer?
> >
> This is because 1 cpu is allocated to the task tracker itself.
> > 2. After a tasktracker is launched, in what condition it's status will
> > update to FINISHED?
> > In my cluster, sometimes it will never end until I restart the jobtracker.
> > Sometimes it will end if there is no task or job in jobtracker to run.
> >
> The expected case is that the task tracker is finished/killed if there is
> no task/job assigned to it. If there is an idle task tracker for a long
> time it's probably a bug (@brenden can correct me if the semantics have
> changed around this). Some logs would help diagnose the issue.
> > 3. How to use DRF with weight? I run two frameworks on mesos, and I want
> > to give them different proportion of resources.
> >
> > Give each framework a different role (FrameworkInfo.role) and give weights
> to each role via master command line flags (see --roles and --weights via
> ./master --help).
> > Please help me!
> > Thank you very much!
> >
> >
> >

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