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(Updated March 21, 2014, 4:11 a.m.)

Review request for mesos, Adam B, Benjamin Hindman, Ben Mahler, Ian Downes, 
Niklas Nielsen, and Vinod Kone.


Reverted adoption of Subprocess due to multiple issues arising out of its use.

Summary (updated)

Added External Containerizer.

Bugs: MESOS-816

Repository: mesos-git


This patch adds the so-called external containerizer. This
containerizer delegates all containerizer calls directly to 
an external containerizer program (which can be specified on 
start-up). Few calls have internal fall-back implementations 
such as wait(), destroy() and usage().

The protocol for the interactions with the external program
is as follows:


launch (ContainerID, --mesos-executor, <path>) < TaskInfo > ExternalStatus
update (ContainerID) < ResourceArray > ExternalStatus
usage (ContainerID) > ResourceStatistics
wait (ContainerID) > ExternalTermination
destroy (ContainerID) > ExternalStatus

When protocol buffers need to be provided, the Mesos side of
the external containerizer implementation will serialize the 
protos on stdin and vice-versa for reading protos on stdout as 
drafted in the above scheme.

Diffs (updated)

  configure.ac 5404dc2 
  include/mesos/mesos.proto 37f8a7f 
  src/Makefile.am 0775a0d 
  src/examples/python/test-containerizer.in PRE-CREATION 
  src/examples/python/test_containerizer.py PRE-CREATION 
  src/slave/containerizer/containerizer.cpp 6de091e 
  src/slave/containerizer/external_containerizer.hpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/slave/containerizer/external_containerizer.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/slave/flags.hpp c9a627b 
  src/tests/external_containerizer_test.cpp PRE-CREATION 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/17567/diff/


make check and functional testing.


Till Toenshoff

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