I just wanted to clarify - native, meaning _no_ dependency to libmesos and
native to its language (only Go, only Python and so on) i.e. use the
low-level API.

Sorry for the confusion,

On 10 July 2014 15:55, Dominic Hamon <dha...@twopensource.com> wrote:

> In my dream world, we wouldn't need any native bindings. I can imagine
> having example frameworks or starter frameworks that use the low-level API
> (the wire protocol with protocol buffers for message passing), but nothing
> like we have that needs C or JNI, etc.
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Niklas Nielsen <nik...@mesosphere.io>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I wanted to start a discussion around the language bindings in the wild
> > (Go, Haskell, native Python, Go, Java and so on) and possibly get to a
> > strategy where we start bringing those into Mesos proper. As most things
> > points towards, it will probably make sense to focus on the native
> > "bindings" leveraging the low-level API. To name one candidate to start
> > with, we are especially interested in getting Go native support in Mesos
> > proper (and in a solid state). So Vladimir, we'd be super thrilled to
> start
> > collaborating with you on your current work.
> >
> > We are interested to hear what thoughts you all might have on this.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Niklas
> >

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