Do you have specific use cases in mind? Ie, specific actions that might
take place pre and post launch?

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:37 AM, Niklas Nielsen <>

> Hi everyone,
> As a part of our current sprint at Mesosphere, we are striving to work on
> and land an extension to the modules subsystem which we (per
> have referred to as
> ‘hooks’. We wanted to give some background to this feature and will be
> asking for input to the proposal.
> The term is inspired by Apache Web Server hooks (
> which allows
> modules
> to tie into the request processing life-cycle. It is different from the
> existing modules capability, in that the usual request processing remains
> untouched (and isn’t replaced fully as a regular module would do).
> In our case, we are interested in being able to tie into the life-cycle of
> tasks to run pre and post-actions during task launch in the master and
> slave processes. In general, it adds capability for all sorts of external
> tooling and instrumentation.
> The main idea is to enable modules to register themselves as hook
> providers. For example through a new flag: --hooks=”module_name1,
> module_name2, ...”
> A new ‘HookManager’ will query each module and get an object back of type ‘
> Hooks’ which has virtual member functions which points to the desired
> callbacks in the module.
> For example,
> class Hooks {
> public:
>  virtual TaskInfo preMasterLaunchTask(TaskInfo task) = 0;
>  virtual TaskInfo postMasterLaunchTask(TaskInfo task) = 0;
>  virtual TaskInfo preSlaveLaunchTask(TaskInfo task) = 0;
>  virtual TaskInfo postSlaveLaunchTask(TaskInfo task) = 0;
>  // ...
> };
> An example of the call site in Mesos could be:
> Master::launchTask(..., TaskInfo task, ...)
> {
>  task = HookManager::preMasterLaunchTask(task);
>  ...
>  task = HookManager::postMasterLaunchTask(task);
> }
> We are not tied at all to how the hooks will be named (they could
> potentially live in Master, Slave, Allocator, ...) subclasses, return Try,
> Option, Result to indicate failure and so on.
> Introducing the hook functionality is similar to what we’ve done in the
> past with Isolators for the MesosContainerizer that enables people to
> provide new functionality for launching containers. In that same way, we
> want people to be able to provide new functionality with respect to
> launching tasks without changing the existing task flow.
> We’d love to get people’s feedback so we can move forward!
> Thanks,
> Niklas

Dominic Hamon | @mrdo | Twitter
*There are no bad ideas; only good ideas that go horribly wrong.*

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