+1 for Brian Hicks' leader/follower name and a huge +1 for the explanation
he gave

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Brian Hicks <br...@brianthicks.com> wrote:

> 1. We’ve been aliasing everything to “leader/follower” in the projects I’m
> a part of. I think it gets rid of the problematic language while still
> being descriptive of the architectural model. “agent” makes sense to me,
> too (since those processes do have agency in some situations) but I would
> call it a second choice, personally.
> 2. mesos-{whatever-we-decide}
> 3. I don’t think “master” is as problematic as “slave”, but it does have
> some of the same connotations. If we’re going to take the time to rename,
> we should rename both. But if it turns out to be infeasible from a project
> management standpoint, “master” will probably be fine.
> 4. same as others have said: start off with documentation changes, follow
> through with code changes. Deprecate the old binary names over several
> versions, to avoid a cliff.
> For what it’s worth, I think it’s good that the Mesos project understands
> that the words we use have different meanings to different people. While I
> am not “offended” by the current terminology I understand that master/slave
> has a strong connotation towards ongoing civil and human rights abuses, and
> I would seek to distance the project from that. Continuing to make these
> words part of our everyday lexicon normalizes oppressive structures, and
> sends a strong signal to people outside the “blessed” group. Mesos is an
> industry-leading technology, and we have a responsibility to build an
> inclusive and friendly community. This is not only for the good of the
> product, but for the good of the industry and all the people whose lives
> are effected by it.
> So, strong +1.
> Brian Hicks
> On Monday, June 1, 2015, Adam Bordelon <a...@mesosphere.io> wrote:
>  There has been much discussion about finding a less offensive name than
>> "Slave", and many of these thoughts have been captured in
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-1478
>> I would like to open up the discussion on this topic for one week, and if
>> we cannot arrive at a lazy consensus, I will draft a proposal from the
>> discussion and call for a VOTE.
>> Here are the questions I would like us to answer:
>> 1. What should we call the "Mesos Slave" node/host/machine?
>> 2. What should we call the "mesos-slave" process (could be the same)?
>> 3. Do we need to rename Mesos Master too?
>> Another topic worth discussing is the deprecation process, but we don't
>> necessarily need to decide on that at the same time as deciding the new
>> name(s).
>> 4. How will we phase in the new name and phase out the old name?
>> Please voice your thoughts and opinions below.
>> Thanks!
>> -Adam-
>> P.S. My personal thoughts:
>> 1. Mesos Worker [Node]
>> 2. Mesos Worker or Agent
>> 3. No
>> 4. Carefully

Diego Medina
Lift/Scala consultant

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