+1 to Itamar.

I'd be interested to hear any case studies of how this has been handled in 
other OS projects with master/slave namings if anyone can give examples?

From: Itamar Ostricher [ita...@yowza3d.com]
Sent: 04 June 2015 05:38
To: u...@mesos.apache.org
Cc: dev
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Renaming Mesos Slave

Strong -1 for changing the name (either master or slave).

>From a community stand point, if dev resources are diverted to renaming 
>efforts, then the community and the user base both lose meaningful 
>functionality that isn't being worked on.

>From a using organization stand point, as well as framework developer 
>perspective, I follow mesos releases pretty closely, and I'm confident that 
>the version that deprecates backward compatibility with the current names will 
>be a version I will not be able to adopt for months, if at all...

So please don't do that, or if you do, consider leaving in a configuration 
option to keep the current names for sane upgrades.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015, 06:42 Benjamin Staffin 
<b...@folsomlabs.com<mailto:b...@folsomlabs.com>> wrote:
1. Mesos Worker (or just Mesos node)
2. Mesos Worker
3. No, but if we do then Leader or Director or Controller
4. Deprecation cycle, documentation, etc. Provide aliases for a release or two.

Thanks for raising this topic; it's been on my mind for a while.

As for why I think this matters: 

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Adam Bordelon 
<a...@mesosphere.io<mailto:a...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
There has been much discussion about finding a less offensive name than 
"Slave", and many of these thoughts have been captured in 

I would like to open up the discussion on this topic for one week, and if we 
cannot arrive at a lazy consensus, I will draft a proposal from the discussion 
and call for a VOTE.
Here are the questions I would like us to answer:
1. What should we call the "Mesos Slave" node/host/machine?
2. What should we call the "mesos-slave" process (could be the same)?
3. Do we need to rename Mesos Master too?

Another topic worth discussing is the deprecation process, but we don't 
necessarily need to decide on that at the same time as deciding the new name(s).
4. How will we phase in the new name and phase out the old name?

Please voice your thoughts and opinions below.


P.S. My personal thoughts:
1. Mesos Worker [Node]
2. Mesos Worker or Agent
3. No
4. Carefully

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