Having been on both sides of the fence, so to speak, I can certainly
sympathize with the plight of the committers, especially now that the Mesos
contributors community is growing so fast!

A great problem to have, I guess...

May I also suggest however that also we have some sort of "SLA" on the
Shepherd's part of looking at the code within a reasonable timeframe of the
review posted?  Or at least, an agreed timeline?

Also, I'm quite curious to know what are the criteria for choosing which
projects/Jiras are prioritized for shepherding?


*Marco Massenzio*

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Joris Van Remoortere <
joris.van.remoort...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Mesos developers,
> You may have noticed some churn in Jira recently around the shepherd
> assignment. Specifically, we have unassigned the shepherds for a bunch of
> projects. We did this in order to get a better sense of which projects are
> being actively shepherded versus having gone stale, and to identify for
> which projects we need to find a new shepherd who has sufficient time to
> dedicate to it.
> This is not a statement that the un-assigned tickets are not important,
> rather, we want to ensure that the people working on them have a shepherd
> with sufficient resources.
> We ask that you communicate (and agree!) with your shepherd before
> assigning them in Jira, so that they are not surprised when you reviews
> start getting posted.
> The benefit for the developer community should be that it will be more
> clear when working on a ticket whether there are sufficient resources in
> the community to iterate on it in a timely manner.
> Joris

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