Given that the final number (build number) is constantly being raised, I fear 
there is really not much you can do. The “0.2” and “1.0” were originally 
planned for snapshots (0.2) vs. releases (1.0) but as you can see, we changed 
that over time.

The only robust option I see right now is a mapping table as you drafted in 
your initial mail already. You would have to touch that mapping with each new 
release :(

… but hope is in sight, for future releases at least… will keep you updated.

> On Feb 4, 2016, at 11:07 PM, Erik Weathers <> 
> wrote:
> hey Till, thanks for the response!   Would be great to have those
> CI-build-numbers squelched in the future if possible.  Or some sort of
> alias set up to allow redirecting to the fully expanded build.
> Any suggestions for the short term of how to perform this redirection?  For
> reference, the purpose of this is to allow the storm-on-mesos project's
> Dockerfile to have a configurable mesos version.
>   -
> - Erik
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 1:51 PM, Till Toenshoff <> wrote:
>> Hey Erik,
>> those added values (e.g. “-0.2.190") come from Mesosphere's CI system
>> which adds build-numbers (the last digit) and some more “noise" for those
>> distribution packages.
>> I will raise this issue internally and get back to you - hoping that we
>> can get rid of these not so useful extensions in a not too distant future.
>> hth,
>> Till
>>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 2:23 AM, Erik Weathers <>
>> wrote:
>>> I've noticed that in the published mesos packages [1] & docker images [2]
>>> that the version name isn't simply:
>>>  -  mesos_0.27.0.ubuntu1404_amd64
>>> Instead it has the form of:
>>>  - mesos_0.27.0*-0.2.190*.ubuntu1404_amd64
>>> Here are a few more examples of this numeric suffix:
>>>  - 0.27.0 -> 0.27.0-0.2.190
>>>  - 0.26.0 -> 0.26.0-0.2.145
>>>  - 0.25.0 -> 0.25.0-0.2.70
>>>  - 0.24.1 -> 0.24.1-0.2.35
>>>  - 0.24.0 -> 0.24.0-1.0.27
>>> It is not clear to me what these suffixes represent, and it makes it hard
>>> to write code that can download or install the mesos package for a
>>> particular version given just the simple version name (e.g., 0.27.0).  I
>>> tried searching for what might be generating this version suffix, or for
>>> documentation of the release process for mesos, but I have failed.
>>> So my question is really 2-fold:
>>> (1) Where does this extra suffix come from?  Does it represent something
>>> specific?  What is its purpose?   Why isn't the version simply the
>> version?
>>> (I'm sure there *is* a reason, but I haven't found it on my own.)
>>> (2) What is the "right" way to handle this seeming unpredictability?
>>> Thanks!
>>> - Erik
>>> References:
>>> [1]
>>> [2]

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