Hi all,

I have been working with Mesos for the past months and I am very interested
in its possibilities and the capabilities it offers.

Until now, I have been working with Mesos on Linux, and it works as a
charm, but I was interested in joining Windows based systems to the
clusters, and the possibilities it offer.

When I searched for that possibility, I discovered that a functional demo
had been done in August 2015 (
and I reached a question in StackOverflow (
where they point out the Jira tickets that are being used to monitor the
development progress.

The StackOverflow answer even goes further and says that as of November
2015, the CMake-based build was pretty functional, even generating an agent

So I downloaded the source and went into building Mesos on Windows using
Visual Studio 2015, but I ended with some compilation errors and no binary
agent being generated. I would love to help in this task to my
possibilities extents, but the truth is there is no documentation for
Windows CMake build.

After searching for two weeks without clue on how to continue, I decided to
write to the list with my issues, hoping someone could help me. My idea is
to contribute to the Windows port to the extent of my possibilities once I
have figured out the real state of the art.

Currently, after configuring CMake with ENABLE_LIBEVENT=1,  REBUNDLED=1,
AGENT_TARGET=mesos-slave, 3RDPARTY_DEPENDENCIES=<local directory with the
contents of https://github.com/3rdparty/mesos-3rdparty> and Visual Studio
14 2015 Win64 as generator, it correctly generated a Mesos.sln.

Then, I try to build Mesos.sln with:

msbuild.exe Mesos.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64

And, after a while, it ends with two errors:

error C2039: 'mknod': is not a member of 'os'
error C2039: 'rdev': is not a member of 'os::stat'.

Both are on Project stout_tests (rmdir_tests.cpp).

The point is looking at the code, it is true that both functions are not
there, so I am a bit confused.

I imagine that, as the port to Windows is not yet finished, the build will
not pass the tests, but I am unable to figure out what to do next, and I
would appreciate some advice on how to build the current version of the

Thank you very much.

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