Hi Vinod,

> I would like to start a discussion around the future of the Mesos project.
> As you are probably aware, the number of active committers and
> to the project have declined significantly over time. As of today, there's
> no active development of any features or a public release planned. On the
> flip side, I do know there are a few companies who are still actively
> Mesos.

Thanks for starting this discussion Vinod. Looking at Slack, mailing
lists, JIRA and reviewboard/github the project has wound down a lot in
the last 12+ months.

> Given that, we need to assess if there's interest in the community to keep
> this project moving forward. Specifically, we need some active committers
> and PMC members who are going to manage the project. Ideally, these would
> be people who are using Mesos in some capacity and can make code
> contributions.

While I have seen a few non-committer folks contribute patches in the
last months, I feel it might be too late to bootstrap an active
community at this point.

Apache Mesos is still mentioned prominently in the docs of a number of
other projects which gives off the impression of an active and
maintained project. In reality almost nobody is working on issues or
available to help users, and basing a new project on Apache Mesos these
days is probably not a good idea. I honestly do not see that to change
should new people step up and IMO the most honest way forward would be
to move the project to the attic to clearly communicate that the project
has moved into another phase; this wouldn't preclude folks from using or
further developing Apache Mesos, but would give a clear signal to users.

> If there is no active interest, we will likely need to figure out steps
> retiring the project.
> *Call for action: If you are interested in becoming a committer/PMC member
> (including PMC chair) and actively maintain the project, please reply to
> this email.*

Like I wrote above, I would be in favor of a vote to move Apache Mesos
to the attic.



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