Hi all,

All the time I see more and more need for us to add metadata to our
MetaModel based connectors. That could be for instance metadata about scale
(nominal, ordinal etc.) so that we can automate some stats collection etc.
or it could be more "meaning" oriented features to describe e.g. "This is a
first name" or "This is a city" or "These two fields (first and last name)
are together defining a name of a person".

We have such mechanisms in our application levels many places, but not at
the core framework of MetaModel and that's a pity because it makes it
harder for us to share.

So I'm thinking of adding such a layer to the metadata of MetaModel. But
one thing that's difficult is then about representing that metadata in some
"metadata store" which isn't necesarily the same as the data source itself.
It could be an XML file or it could be a complete metadata database. And I
think that this metadata would be mutable by the integrator of MetaModel
because it is rarely fully revealed by the data source itself.

What do you think? Nice feature or?`


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