Github user kaspersorensen commented on the issue:
    I think our tests should cover most of the stuff, but the one thing that I 
will admit was somewhat complicated was what I noted in the third commit:
    > I ran into an issue that reminded me of what we saw some time back [1]
    > with writing to a file-based workbook failing with message "user-mapped
    > section open". I found a reasonable workaround where workbooks are being
    > loaded based on their InputStream rather than their File reference
    > whenever we access the workbook in an update callback.
    > [1]
    Or in terms of testing ... It would be interesting to compare performance 
and ability to do multiple inserts into the same sheet. I have a small fear 
that this new approach is slower because it is instantiating the Workbook based 
on `InputStream` instead of `File`. But OTOH I don't know of an alternative, 
because the `File` based thing is creating file system locks that prevent those 
inserts from happening without having to do very silly sleeps or something like 


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