Hi Anil, Can you create a jira on this with these details and a general overview of your use case? It looks like the HbaseConfiguration we use in the HTableConnector is done using the create() method, which creates from resources.
I think we would need to do some work to support the external file. On January 24, 2019 at 10:14:46, Anil Donthireddy ( anil.donthire...@sstech.us) wrote: Hi, I have written a java application which uses Stellar processor and execute the stellar expressions. The issue I am facing is I am unable to connect Hbase unless I place hbase-site.xml in src/main/resources/ folder of the code. As it is not the proper way of packaging the hbase-site.xml with Jar, I would like to understand how the hbase-site.xml is being set to classpath while starting profiler topology. The ways I tried are 1) Setting the classpath to hbase conf folder using command “java -cp $CLASSPATH:/etc/hbase/conf:/etc/Hadoop/conf –jar myJar.jar” 2) Adding Hbase conf folder to HADOOP_CLASSPATH. Below is the Hadoop classpath /usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*::mysql-connector-java.jar:postgresql-jdbc2ee.jar:postgresql-jdbc2.jar:postgresql-jdbc3.jar:postgresql-jdbc.jar:/etc/hbase/conf/:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/ One more step I would like to try to fix the issue is to set property “ *zookeeper.znode.parent*” for configuration object while instantiating HbaseConnector. But it is in the scope of metron code to try this fix. I would like to know if any one able to provide hbase-site.xml to any Java Application or anyone able to extend Metron Stellar Processor and execute profile definitions successfully. Please provide any inputs to resolve the issue. Thanking you. Thanks, Anil.