But still file a jira ;)

On January 24, 2019 at 12:19:34, Mohan Venkateshaiah (
mvenkatesha...@hortonworks.com) wrote:

Hi Anil,

I had done similar to this in the past . In the stellar to get the hbase
configuration we call HBaseConfiguration.create() , in that call hbase adds
the hbase-site and core-site as resources to the config we probably SHOULD
let people specify a base config.

What I had done was in the global config, I set a property called
hbase.provider.impl, it's the fully qualified class name for a class that
implements the TableProvider interface which has one method:

public HTableInterface getTable(Configuration config, String tableName)
throws IOException

if you implement your own where you ignore the config argument and resolve
the hbase table with your own injected config that will work

Mohan DV

On 1/24/19, 8:56 PM, "Otto Fowler" <ottobackwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Anil,
Can you create a jira on this with these details and a general overview of
your use case?
It looks like the HbaseConfiguration we use in the HTableConnector
is done using the create() method, which creates from resources.

I think we would need to do some work to support the external file.

On January 24, 2019 at 10:14:46, Anil Donthireddy (
anil.donthire...@sstech.us) wrote:


I have written a java application which uses Stellar processor and execute
the stellar expressions. The issue I am facing is I am unable to connect
Hbase unless I place hbase-site.xml in src/main/resources/ folder of the
code. As it is not the proper way of packaging the hbase-site.xml with Jar,
I would like to understand how the hbase-site.xml is being set to classpath
while starting profiler topology.

The ways I tried are

1) Setting the classpath to hbase conf folder using command “java -cp
$CLASSPATH:/etc/hbase/conf:/etc/Hadoop/conf –jar myJar.jar”

2) Adding Hbase conf folder to HADOOP_CLASSPATH. Below is the Hadoop


One more step I would like to try to fix the issue is to set property “
*zookeeper.znode.parent*” for configuration object while instantiating
HbaseConnector. But it is in the scope of metron code to try this fix.

I would like to know if any one able to provide hbase-site.xml to any Java
Application or anyone able to extend Metron Stellar Processor and execute
profile definitions successfully.

Please provide any inputs to resolve the issue.

Thanking you.



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