I have commented the jira.

On May 2, 2019 at 14:22:41, Shane Ardell (shane.m.ard...@gmail.com) wrote:

Hello everyone,

In response to discussions in the 0.7.1 release thread, I wanted to start a
thread regarding the parser aggregation work for the Management UI. For
anyone who has not already read and tested the PR locally, I've added a
detailed description of what we did and why to the JIRA ticket here:

I'm wondering what the community thinks about what we've built thus far. Do
you see anything missing that must be part of this new feature in the UI?
Are there any strong objections to how we implemented it?

I’m also looking to see if anyone has any thoughts on how we can possibly
simplify this PR. Right now it's pretty big, and there are a lot of commits
to parse through, but I'm not sure how we could break this work out into
separate, smaller PRs opened against master. We could try to cherry-pick
the commits into smaller PRs and then merge them into a feature branch, but
I'm not sure if that's worth the effort since that will only reduce the
number commits to review, not the lines changed.

As an aside, I also want to give a little background into the introduction
of NgRx in this PR. To give a little background on why we chose to do this,
you can refer to the discussion thread here:

We previously discussed introducing a better way to manage application
state in both UIs in that thread. It was decided that NgRx was a great tool
for many reasons, one of them being that we can piecemeal it into the
application rather than doing a huge rewrite of all the application state
at once. The contributors in this PR (myself included) decided this would
be a perfect opportunity to introduce NgRx into the Management UI since we
need to manage the previous and current state with the grouping feature so
that users can undo the changes they've made (we used it for more than just
that in this feature, but that was the initial reasoning). In addition, we
greatly benefited from this when it came time to debug our work in the UI
(the discussion in the above thread link goes a little more into the
advantages of debugging with NgRx and DevTools). Removing NgRx from this
work would reduce the numbers of lines changed slightly, but it would still
be a big PR and a lot of that code would just move to the component or
service level in the Angular application.


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