We have a situation where a portion of code
was created for Metron, which is a plugin for a separate open source
project, bro.  The code was separately pushed out by the initial author to
the bro community under the 3-Clause BSD license
<https://github.com/bro/bro-plugins/blob/master/kafka/COPYING>, and
some important
have been made to it in that separate community, which we would like to
include, in addition to some recent changes
that have been made in the Metron code base as well (i.e. we are not simply
pulling the code down from the external project).  This was discussed
on the dev mailing list, and we wanted to get some clarification before
moving forward.

1. Is it valid to assume that, as Casey mentioned
these are two separate plugins and we can simply make modifications to our
code base to resolve the current multithreading issue?

2. If we do 1, will this require a line in our LICENSE file as a derivative

Anyone, feel free to correct my historical understanding here - I wasn't
closely involved with the project at the time this all occurred.  Thanks,



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