Yogs wrote:
> Hi 
> I have a blocking client connected to a MINA based server. And client is
> sending variable length message to server. The Message doesn’t have a notion
> of msgLength. So in my decoder.docodable() method can’t figure out whether
> this message is complete or not. So when I actually decode the message, I
> get BufferUnderFlowException in decode() method.   I can calculate the
> length of message in decodable method, but for that I need to read the
> complete message. This can be multiple times till message arrives
> completely. and then i can actual decode the message in decode method. This
> is a huge overhead of reading the message multiple times.
> I really don’t want to pass an extra msgLenght field in the message to solve
> this problem, because of compatibility issues with non java clients.
> Can you please suggest a way which MINA provides to deal with decoding of
> these types of variable length messages on servers? 
I think CumulativeProtocolDecoder could be what you are looking for.
Have a look at the Javadoc for an example of how to use it with CRLF
terminated string messages.

Niklas Therning

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