Based on previous discussions on this mailing list, I think that the
'codec' based HTTP example is the preferred method.  If you are
placing each line in to a HashMap as per the example, this could be
your problem because HashMaps do not guarantee order.  Check the API
javadocs for more information.


On 4/12/07, Eugene Labunsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have problem with http stream output.
I have project based on http stream sample and found that MINA can't output
more than 200 lines http reply correctly. It mixed lines in reply ;( First
time it reply correct, then not. I have added small peace of code to public
void run() in sample:

for (int i=0;i<1024;i++)
    out.println("<p>this is line: " + i+"</p>");

And ... With all available MINA releases I have problem. MINA can reply
correctly or from 284 lines...  Please, let me know where I'm wrong...

Eugene Labunsky.

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