I guess M$ would have to redefine the Greek (or is it Latin?) language
then as well. :-)

Seriously, I think DataBuffer or Buffer would be ok. On second thought
MinaByteBuffer is ok too. I don't think it will be very confusing. It
will certainly be less confusing than what we have at the moment.


Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
> MinaByteBuffer would fit me. I don't like OctetBuffer too much, even
> if I'm french. What if M$ sudddenly decide that an Octet is 9 bits (8
> bits for the data, plus 1 bit as a M$ tax to pay M$ fin to the EU ?:)
> On 9/18/07, Niklas Therning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Trustin Lee wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> It is often confusing to discriminate MINA ByteBuffer and NIO
>>> ByteBuffer.  Do we need renaming?  I didn't have much difficulties
>>> actually because most Java code doesn't use both types at the same
>>> time.
>>> There was an opinion about renaming it to MinaByteBuffer, but I don't
>>> think it's the best name available for us.  I think DataBuffer,
>>> ExtendedByteBuffer, ExtendedBuffer or just Buffer might also be a
>>> candidate.  There's Buffer in NIO, too, but nobody uses that class
>>> directly.
>>> I'd like to find the best name; short and not confusing one.  Please
>>> don't hesitate to respond to this message with your idea so we can
>>> find out the best alternative.
>>> Trustin
>> Since MINA's ByteBuffer doesn't inherit from java.nio.ByteBuffer I think
>> the names ending in ByteBuffer (especially ExtendedByteBuffer) could be
>> confusing. I think I prefer just calling it Buffer.
>> Or maybe OctetBuffer? According to Wikipedia
>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octet_%28computing%29):
>> "Octet, with the only exception noted below, always refers to an entity
>> having exactly eight bits. As such, it is often used where the term byte
>> might be ambiguous. For that reason, computer networking standards
>> almost exclusively use octet."
>> Also
>> "In France, French Canada and Romania, the word octet usually means byte"
>> This would make all the French and Romainian MINA users happy! :-)
>> --
>> Niklas Therning
>> www.spamdrain.net

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