Hi All,

I'll add my opinion as a MINA user rather than developer. It's very important to make sure the javadoc for the public API is correct and complete. In this case that's the ByteBufferQueue interface. For the implementation class it's useful to have class level javadoc describing its characteristics and/or why I might use it rather than some other implementation (like the Collections javadocs), but a blow by blow on each public method really isn't necessary. Either its already covered by interface docs, or I'm probably not going to see them method entirely because I'm programming to the interface anyway.

MINA maintainers probably want comments about implementation details in the implementation classes, but these are generally not javadoc comments on public methods anyway.

Also remember the tools (IDE & javadoc) are only getting better with time. With primitive / non specialised tools you'll probably have more difficulties to deal with than not having @see tags.


Stefano Bagnara wrote:
Emmanuel Lecharny ha scritto:
이희승 (Trustin Lee) wrote:
On Fri, 23 May 2008 12:21:43 +0900, Emmanuel Lecharny
Sometime, you just have to use vi or emacs. Make it simple for users : add a @see tag. Cost almost nothing, and it helps.

I wouldn't bother with vi or emacs. They pay for what they use. Moreover, it's not 'almost nothing'.

Please revert the commit.


Emmanuel, are you vetoing the commit because an inherited class (having full javadocs for the superclass) does not have method comments?

Isn't this a bit hard at this point of the discussion?

FWIW (I'm not committer to mina, but only a developer) I agree with Trustin.

If a @see is useful then the javadoc tools should automatically add the see to every implementation method having no javadoc. This is about javadoc tools, not documentation. The documentation is already in the java source keywords "extends" and "implements".


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