On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Sai Pullabhotla
<sai.pullabho...@jmethods.com> wrote:
> In any case, what if we give an option for running a native command when
> NLST or LIST command is received. So, the user could configure the FTP
> server to execute the ls command and we redirect the output of the ls
> command back to the client. One of the advantages of allowing this for the
> LIST command is we can actually return more information about files and
> directories such as if an object is symbolic link, the owner etc. (of course
> applicable mainly to *NIX systems) which cannnot be retrived using Java.
> Something to think about.

There has been some discussions around this previously, especially to
be able to get hold of the user/group information. However, no one has
come up with an implementation. Personally, I don't think an
implementation based on running processes is a very good idea since it
would likely affect both the performance and stability of the server.
That being said, since this would be isolated to the file system,
anyone could create an implementation, even if we did not ship it with
FtpServer core.

A more refined solution might be to use JNI rather than running
processes, but that's beyond my competence :-)


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