Niklas Gustavsson wrote:

For Vysper, the export page has been updated
(, Bernd has assembled
a list of all contributors
( and I think we've
done the due diligence even though the issue is not closed
( Therefore, I think
it's time to move Vysper out of the sandbox. If no one objects, I'll
start a vote in a few days.

Well, sorry for being a bit a PITA, but I would like to see more javadoc in the project. We already have been burnt (and still are !!!) with MINA suffering from such a problem that I would like to avoid it again.

I don't mean it should be perfect, but at least, a first pass is necessary.

I know this sounds painful, but this is also the price to pay to be able to jump into the code, to get more committers involved, and to receive less basic questions on the mailing list.

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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