
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 23:04, Emmanuel Lecharny<elecha...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I have to admit that this kind of quantitive analysis doesn't tell me
>> much. I'd rather improve the javadoc for a central class than write a
>> new one for a simple interface setter method where the name and
>> parameters speak for themselves.
> I don't like over documented code, for instance (I mean, comments *inside*
> the code). Just because if you needed to add some comments in your code,
> that means your code is probably too complex to be understood by a normal
> human being (ie , the 'average programmer' ;), and you may have to split the
> code a bit. The very same applies for naming. Not being english native
> speakers make it difficult to use the exact correct name for a field or a
> function.

The documentation I found in Vysper proved very helpful and - of course - more
of it would do good. Anyway I'd second the view that good documentation
shouldn't repeat what the code says best. The HTML argument is a good one, but
IMHO more relevant in closed source projects, instead of a RTFM we have the
option for a RTFC(ode).

>> But if you point out critical code that misses a javadoc, unit test or
>> spec compliance annotation or code comment, you'll never find me
>> disagreeing with you. (I reserve the right to ask for a patch, though. ;-)
> As a general politic, I think that the one who write the code at first is
> the one who *knows*. Hopefully, modern IDE generates all this boring Javadoc
> for setters and getters. Otherwise, I don't think that adding headers for
> private method is always mandatory (sometime it helps). It's all about how
> easy it is to understand what a method do. However, what seems easy for you
> might be a bit more complicated for someone just diving into your code.
> I personally find it polite to add headers and javadoc, it makes the code
> more welcoming. Like names for the street and number on the doors.
>> So my question is, where is that code which most deserves being improved
>> in this way?
> Well, without having done the quality analysis yet, my answer, not a
> surprise, will be : all the interface and public methods without Javadoc ;)
> Very PC, I know ...
> But as this is not the answer you are expecting, so give me a couple of
> week, if I can find the time to dive into the code.

I think Emmanuel touched the essence of the discussion a few paragraphs
earlier: "the one who wrote the code knows what to document". So not surprising
I'm adding "Javadoc for PubSub-related classes" to my todo list :)

Maybe a quick dependency graph could show us the "hotspots" which are the
classes many others use/depend on - these are the ones which need good
documentation, I'd guess.


PS: If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.
 -- Norm Schryer

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