
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 19:40,
bernd.fondermann<bernd.fonderm...@brainlounge.de> wrote:
> If you want to relay a message to many addressees (say thousands), we
> might not want to create 1000 lists, if we only want to replace the from
> entity for every new stanza and could reuse one list for that for every
> call of StanzaBuilder.createClone().

What about a method to create a mutable clone of the stanza, or if
each handler gets its own copy of a Stanza to mess around[1]? If we
had to relay the same message to thousands of users (pubsub), we could
simply set the "to" address and send it, for each of the users.

Granted, with delayed sending and queuing this might get problematic -
if we don't queue the character data to be send, but the object. But
then, there is no way to prevent thousands of objects to be created
anyways... .

Anyway, it's good to see the functionality included, so +1 :)


 1: This could easily be optimized by creating the copy only if a
change to the object would be performed, which might not be the case
for most handlers. But that's a shot in the dark right now.

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