On Sat, 2010-10-09 at 16:58 +0200, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
> On 10/6/10 9:18 PM, Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
> > Here is my private fork of HttpCore NIO code with all HTTP specific
> > stuff ripped out. It might be easier for you to get a feel of the
> > framework by looking at the protocol independent code.
> >
> > http://github.com/ok2c/lightnio
> >
> > This code is what I would like to get potentially replaced by MINA 3.0
> Looking at this code (well, browsing it, I still have to do my homework 
> ;), It seems that the internal logic is really close to what we have in 
> MINA, and that's quite logical.
> I see that the processEvent() method is the place that propagate the 
> events to the underlying application, and probably what you'd like to 
> have in MINA to have direct control on the channel if I understand 
> correctly.  There is a slight difference here between lightNIO and MINA 
> : once we have created a session, it has a Chain of filters attached to 
> it, and we call the method corresponding to the event we had, which goes 
> through the chain up to the Handler. This is where you have your 
> application code. In other words, an application based on lightNIO will 
> have to implement IoRector, when we require that the application 
> implement IoHandler in MINA.

Hi Emmanuel

Actually, HttpCore comes with two most common IORector implementations:
listener and connector. What the user code is expected to provide is a
custom implementation of the IOEventDispatch interface. The I/O dispatch
layer is where I/O events get pre-processed and propagated to a protocol
handler. That would be the place to implement a filter pipeline similar
to that employed by MINA. 

> One other difference is that we process the read and write parts into 
> the main loop (in IoProcessor), something you want to handle directly.
> If we remove this processing from the IoProcessor, and move it to be a 
> Filter (ReadFilter, WriteFilter), then it becomes to be very similar to 
> what you want : either we add those filters in the chain, and the 
> application does not have to deal with the read/write operation (buffer 
> creation and such, queues...), or we let the application to deal with this.
> That might work. Still have to think more about the impact on MINA (I 
> would hate asking MINA users to inject those filters manually. But this 
> can be the default chain, and we can define another chain without those 
> filters)

I see no good reason why an I/O framework could not support both modes
equally well or even have a filter pipeline run on top of a Channel
based I/O reactor. 

If you are willing to invest some time into exploring the possibility of
exposing the lower level machinery of MINA through a public interface of
some sort, I would also happily do my bit by helping debug the code and
by contributing a test suite for it.

Potentially I could also contribute a pretty much feature complete
SMTP/LMPT transport implementation (both client and server side), which
is currently based on my private fork of HttpCore NIO code (lightnio),
if there is interest.



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