Houura :-)
The default socket buffer size is changed by mina 2 ?
 Le 5 janv. 2013 06:26, "Emmanuel Lécharny" <elecha...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Some more results after the modification I suggest at the end of my last
> mail (ie, do the write immediately, instead of using a queue, when we can)
> :
> Mina3 client/ Mina3 server : 10bytes msgs in 38.6 secs | 1k msgs in 42.2
> secs | 10k msgs in 45.7 secs
> This is a clear 50% speedup compared to my previous MINA 3 perfs, and 33%
> increase compared to the Netty scenario.
> I still have some more code to fix to get this working fo UDP, as I
> added a writeDirect() method into the IoSessin interface I now have to
> implement for each class.
> Also note that, compared to MINA 2, the forth test (ie, transfering
> large messages - 64Mo) is extremely slow - as for Netty -. There is most
> certainly somethng to do regarding the buffer size we use to transfer
> such big Messages.
> Le 1/4/13 5:51 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny a écrit :
> > Hi !
> >
> > I conducted some profiling sessions today, to see where we were spening
> > some spurious CPU in MINA3. When I first did some tests, I was able to
> > process 1 million 10 bytes messages in 75 seconds (the message is
> > written by the client, read by the server, which returns a 1 bte message
> > to the client). This is the very same test than the one Jeff wrote for
> > MINA 2 and Netty.
> >
> > After a bit of analysis, I was able to lower this number to 57 seconds.
> >
> > Now, here are the numbers for MINA 3, MINA 2 and Netty, for 1M messages :
> >
> > Mina3 client/ Mina3 server : 10bytes msgs in 57.8 secs | 1k msgs in 53.2
> > secs | 10k msgs in 66.1 secs
> > Mina2 client/ Mina2 server : 10bytes msgs in 53.4 secs | 1k msgs in 52.4
> > secs | 10k msgs in 75.6 secs
> > Netty client/ Mina2 server :10bytes msgs in 51.4 secs | 1k msgs in 49.6
> > secs | 10k msgs in 74.7 secs
> >
> > (we currently don't have a Netty server)
> >
> > So bottom line, MINA 3 is slower than any other combinaison, despite the
> > minimal features we have injected, except for big messages. Is this a
> > problem ? Well, yes and no.
> >
> > There are some very good reasons for MINA 3 to be slower : we call the
> > selector.select() method for every message we have to send. This is the
> > most expensive part of the code, and it's not something we can improve :
> > we don't have any way to make select() go faster.
> >
> > OTOH, we could call select() less often. Right now, what we do is that
> > everytime we exit from a select(), we process all the activated
> > SelectionKey we get. This is done by calling the ready() method, with
> > flags indicating which event we have to process (OP_READ and OP_WRITE
> > mainly).
> >
> > The ready() method processes the connect, read, wrate and accept events,
> > one after the other. The thing here is that if a read results in some
> > writes, the writes will be processed in the next select() loop, when in
> > Netty and MINA2 it's potentially processed just afterward, in the same
> > select() loop.
> >
> > We can bypass this extra loop most of the time, as soon as the channel
> > is ready. The idea is to push the message into the channel, if we don't
> > have anything in the writeQueue, and we are done. If the writeQueue is
> > not empty, we simply push the message in the queue. Last, not least, if
> > we weren't able to write all the message, we push the remaining message
> > on the writeQueue, set the SelectKey OP_WRITE to true, and wake up the
> > selector. That would save us a lot of CPU for small messages.
> >
> > I will try to do that.
> >
> --
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
> www.iktek.com

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