Le 1/5/13 7:21 PM, Jeff MAURY a écrit :
> No, I did not mean there's a bug but what I meant is that when Mina2 has to
> write a large message, it will split the message in small parts when
> writing to the socket whereas Netty tries to write the full message to the
> socket (as Mina3 from what you said). This may explain why Netty becomes
> slower for large messages like Mina3
Ah, ok.

However, the way it *should* work, in any case, is that you should
always try to send as much data as you can, assuming also that the
send/received buffer are correctly sized initially.

What I don't get is how it can make any difference to write the whole
message into the socket, because the socket won't accept more than what
it can store. I was expecting that you will loop as many times as the
socket can absorb, waking up the select() as soon as the socket s ready
to accept more data.

Anyway, I have to investigate why MINA 3 is so damn slow when it comes
to send big messages, compared to MINA2. There is no reason for such a
gap in performance. This is also true for Netty, btw.

Last, not lesat : the test with Netty just vovers the
NettyClientMina2Server. We need a test with NettyClientNettyServer (and
probably with the two latest Netty versions).

Emmanuel Lécharny

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