Le 1/30/13 10:29 AM, Steve Ulrich a écrit :
> Hi!
> Sorry, can't resist to respond on this, since i'm paranoid at programming ;-)
>> Emmanuel Lécharny [mailto:elecha...@gmail.com] wrote
>> there are a lot of methods which have parameters with a 'final'
>> keyword.
>> It's most certaibly a IDE configuration, but it's really annoying.
> It looks ugly, true. But I have seen so many method like:
> myMethod (Param parameter) {
> ...
> parameter = new Param();
> ...
> }

Yes, me too, and I told the junior to review there code and lecture them
so that they don't do the same mistake again.

We aren't junior developpers, and I don't want to have to add such
finals all over - even if the IDE does that for me - : t's just a waste
of time, and makes the code ugly, so more painful to read, and I favor
my own comfort over a potential error that never occurs in the code we
> IMHO Oracle should make parameter implicit final!
Ys, and many other things that SUN - not Oracle - have missed would be
great to have in Java. But it's not really a problem in this case.
> I don't mark my parameters as final, because it makes the parameter list hard 
> to read. But I can understand anyone who does so!
Same for me, but I don't understand why people does so. This is a dead
stupid idea pushed by people who aren't confident with the code they
have outsourced somewhere in asia for 5$ an hour...
>> Can those who have this configuration set in their IDE change it so
>> that
>> the committed code does not anymore contain the final keyword
>> everywhere ?
>> I personnaly think that the final keyword is useful in two cases :
>> - for static fields, like in private statif final int CONSTANT = xxx
>> - for variable thet are to be accessed by inner classes
> - for (class/object) variables that are not expected to change anymore.
> Declaring an AtomicInteger as non-final is a potential threading issue! 
> Anyone could replace it with a new object, rendering the synchronisation 
> useless.
> The same is true for concurrent collections, locks, monitors, etc. If you 
> don't expect (or want) it to change - make it final.
> The use of local variables shouldn't be that complex, that they need a final 
> statement.
This is a third case, I forgt about it, but this is a perfectly valid one.
>> Side note :
>> I know that some may consider that using final for method parameters is
>> a way to protect a stupid coder against a modification of a variable.
>> Yeah, sure... But we are not stupid coders, are we ?
> I'm writing perfect code, but somehow the code changes over time. When I'm 
> looking into my code a year later, it looks like a drunken monkey hit on a 
> keyboard ;-)
I'm writing crappy code, and I know that, so I'm extra cautious. But I'm
not relying on stupid rules as a safety belt...

But this is just me :)

Emmanuel Lécharny

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