Le 4/18/13 11:04 AM, Julien Vermillard a écrit :
> So a M1 could be : a UDP client and some more test ?

I would not phrase it this way. We don't need "some more tests", we do
need tests that validate what we have. WRT SSL, we need more than tests,
we need tests that helps demonstrating that we have a working SSL
implementation. So far, Jean-François added some test that prove it's

My current state of mind is that we need a M1 with a very limited set of
features, just to have it in maven repo, as a base for the next
iterations. And the minimal set of features would be full TCP and UDP
support on both sides (client and server).

Of course, it will be a milstone, so don't have any expectation on the
API stability or whatever...

My 2cts...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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