Status Report for Apache MINA, july 2014

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications

-- Community --
* No new committers (Last addition, october 2013)
* No new new PMC member : (Last addition, April 2014)

-- Current activity --

Still calm. Some discussion about MINA 3 SSL handling, but more about 
how to workaround existing issues. Some work on tests.
SSHD has been gently active this quarter.

We need to get a second release of MINA 3 out by september, with the
needed fixes for SSL in it.

 * Apache MINA :
 * Very low activity

* Apache FtpServer:
 * No activity if the past 3 months

* Apache SSHd:
 * Some bug fixes.

* Apache Vysper :
 * Nothing done

* Apache AsyncWeb:
 * No activity. 

-- Releases --
* No release this month


-- Regards, Cordialement, Emmanuel Lécharny www.iktek.com

-- Regards, Cordialement, Emmanuel Lécharny www.iktek.com

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