Some mor ethoughts, after I spent a couple of hours in Rescorla SSL's

One of the critical point is what to do when we have pending messages to
write to a remote peer, which has initiated a (re-)handshake.

My initial take was that we should finish to send the current message to
teh remote peer before honoring the handshake request. But it does not
make a lot of sense : if the remote peer has already initiated a
(re-)handshake, it has also already set a SSLEngine on its side (or
whatever mechanism), and it will *not* excpect to receive anything but a
serverHello, and if it does not receives it, then it will consider that
is an error.

In any case, the client should probably not issue a (re-)handsake if it
is waiting for more data, but this is not the server to decide the
client is wrong (and we can imagine some protocols where the client is
not wrong, the server pushing some data without expecting the client to
wait for them). So I guess that if a message is waiting to be written
when some handshake is requested, then this message should be discarded
(with a error being generated) if it's partially sent, or postponed and
encrypted with the new negotiated keys (or not encrypted if the client
just stop teh SSL session.

Does it make sense ?

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