>>>  Of course, it's all about the size of what is copied. At some point, it
would be better to go witha third party dependency instead of copying
its code.

Valid observation - we will need to "weigh" the amount of copied code and
see how "heavy" it is.

>>> On important aspect of adding external dpendencies is that it' binds ou 
>>> users,
unless they use OSGi.

I am not clear as to what this concern actually raises. SSHD has at least
one mandatory dependency (*slf4j*) and at least 2 others that are very
likely to be used - *Bouncycastle* (the code can work quite smoothly even
without it, but many consider it very useful) and *EdDsa* (optional as far
as SSHD is concerned, but effectively *must *have for users who require
EDDSA keys support). So what does it matter if instead of 1, 2 or 3
dependencies we have 5, 6, 7, or even 10 ? How does this require OSGi ?
Isn't Maven/Gradle dependency mechanism good enough ?

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