On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 9:19 AM, Lyor Goldstein <lgoldst...@apache.org>

> >>>  We should be careful when trying to replace existing code with
> external libraries because there is rarely a guarantee that it will work
> exactly as the old code does.
> I agree in principle, but am not sure about "rarely a guarantee" -
> especially in this case where the code is a 100% duplicate of the external
> library.

Depends on whether the library which has the original then depends on other
libraries or not.  I have this problem often in NodeJS where one library
depends on 16 other libraries and I could recreate the entire functionality
I need without a single dependency in half a day.

> >>> Dependencies create problems when the dependent project decides to
> slightly change the behavior of X class (for some reason) then our project
> starts showing random bugs every 16 hours because of it.
> True, but isn't it why we have unit tests in place ? Granted that there is
> no 100% guarantee, but what is the alternative ? Repeat work that has
> already been done elsewhere again and again and again ?

Do we have unit tests for everything?  Every possible scenario?  I think a
lot of the tests are more functional.

> I have seen quite a few libraries that have adopted the avoidance principle
> and if one looks at their code, it is D.R.Y. (Do Not Repeat yourself) at
> its purest form. Everybody seems to have their "own" logging,
> *StringUtils*,
> *CollectionUtils*, *MapUtils, IOUtils*, etc., that virtually do the exact
> same thing all over again.
> >>> Unless the dependent code is huge (like Bouncycastle), I
> think it rarely works out as a energy-time-saver.
>  In this case I could even argue (just for the sake of this discussion)
> "what if the 3rd part developers went so far as to add malware code ?" Does
> this mean that we are doomed to always write all our code in-house
> because  because
> we can't trust the other developers to be good or honest ? In that case
> let's ditch *slf4j *and write our own logger wrapper framework (it is not
> such a huge task)....
>     :-)) I am not really suggesting this, just making a point ...
> Seems to me that the same points can be made of *any *code - huge medium or
> small - you either trust it or not. So we
> * choose libraries that are widely popular, thus minimizing bug risks on
> one hand due to their widespread usage, and increasing chances that
> existing/new bugs are more likely to be discovered quickly and fixed - if
> only due to "peer pressure" from the developers community
> * choose libraries that are open-source - so we can at least debug
> problems, and if push comes to shove, perhaps devise a workaround if the
> dependent code bug is not fixed
> * choose libraries from "reputable" sources - ones that are known to
> produce high quality code, and at the same time are quick to address bugs
> (I am happy to say that I consider the Apache Foundation such an
> organization ...)
> To summarize, all the points you have raised are indeed very valid concerns
> that need to be addressed and their pros and cons considered very
> carefully. I am not advocating any kind of "extremist" policy in this case
> - neither 100% reliance on 3rd party libraries nor 100% avoidance of them.
> My own opinion is that it is indeed  very much a matter of *measure*
> - how much code are you repeating
> - are you repeating trivial code that is basically "write once and forget"
> or complex one that is likely to require frequent maintenance
> Thanks a lot for the insightful remarks

I agree with your sentiments.  At the end of the day, all we can do is
weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions on a case by case basis.

> Lyor

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