Le 27/09/2018 à 15:07, Lyor Goldstein a écrit :
> Hi Emmanuel,
>>> I just used the link Guillaume provided
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachemina-1038/
> The link contains only binaries - 

Nope, it also contains a source package :


do you mean that you somehow unzipped the
> sources that are posted there and tried to build from them ? How is it even
> possible - after all (AFAIK) they do not form a valid Maven project ?

They should. What's the pount in distributing a source package if you
can't build it ?

Also keep in mind that Apache does *only* distribute source packages,
binary packages are proposed for convenience only. Any source pckages
should be buildable.

> I thought that "validation" for voting purposes entails checking out the
> relevant tag from *github* and attempting to build from them. Can you
> elaborate a bit more how *you* are going about when you want to check the
> new release using Guiilaume's posted link ?

Simple : I untar the source and build them, as anyone of us should do.
For the reason I explained above : we distribute sources.

If you want to see how it works, you can check the MINA distribution at
the same place :


If you donwload the source package, and untar it, you will be able to
build it.

Emmanuel Lecharny


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