Hi !

I'm calling for a vote of Apache MINA 2.1.0 release.

It's a branched version diverging from Apache MINA 2.0.17, with some difference in the API. Otherwise, every changes made in 2.0.18/19/20 have been ported to this version.

The API change is that the IoFilter interface now propagates an event() method which is used to propagate events like SslEvent.SECURED up to the IoHandler, which makes it simpler to know that the connection has been secured, instead of using a notification.

A temporary tag has been created (it can be removed if the vote is not

The newly approved Nexus has been used for the preparation of this
release and all final artifacts are stored
in a staging repository:

The distributions are available for download on :

Let us vote :
[ ] +1 | Release MINA 2.1.0
[ ] ± | Abstain
[ ] -1 | Do*NOT*   release MINA 2.1.0

Thanks !

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