Right now, the official date for ending support for Python 2.7 (and all of
python2) is set to January 1 [1]. As part of it, a number of projects have
pledged to drop support for Python2 in or before 2020 including Tensorflow,
requests, pandas, ipython, numpy, pillow, and Cython [2]. I believe we
should also join in this pledge on python3statement.org [2] because it
would help clean up our project and it would be difficult to continue
supporting Python2 anyway when some of our dependencies are dropping

As a concrete step, we should decide on a date to remove all usages of
Python2 from our CI and consider that officially dropping support.
Following that, we can expect PRs will end up breaking support for Python2.
I suggest just using the same date that Python is dropping support of
January 1. We may also need to update some examples or scripts that were
written only for python2 that are around the project. Any thoughts?


[1] - https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/
[2] - https://python3statement.org/

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