Hi Przemek,

Thank you for volunteering!

I remember Jun (reminisce@github) has already been working on 1.6.0. You
might need check with him to avoid duplicate effort.


On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 8:00 AM Przemysław Trędak <ptre...@apache.org>

> Hi MXNet Community,
> As the 1.5.1 patch release is done (many thanks Tao!), it is time to
> prepare for the next minor release of MXNet - 1.6.0.
> I (ptrendx@github / ptredak@mxnet Slack) would like to manage the release
> of 1.6.0. As it will be the first time for me to manage a release, Sam
> (samskalicky) and Lin (apeforest) agreed to help guiding me through the
> process.
> Thanks to Sheng there is a GitHub issue[1] listing major features that
> should go into the 1.6.0, please add any features that you want included
> there.
> That said, as we target November for the release, to accommodate for
> extensive testing and bugfixing, the code freeze date is set to October
> 24th 23:59PST. Please reach out to me as soon as possible if you feel that
> you will need an extension of that deadline for your feature.
> Sheng created a page on cwiki[2] about the release, I will populate it
> with the information and tracked issues and PRs.
> Thank you and let's make the great 1.6.0 release together!
> Przemek
> [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/15589
> [2]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MXNET/1.6.0+Release+Plan+and+Status

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