Hi Marco,

Since the license issues apply to binary distribution, we should still be able 
to make official source releases.


> On Jul 12, 2020, at 1:10 AM, Marco de Abreu <marco.g.ab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are we in the position to make a release given that we have open license
> issues with the ipmc and Apache board? I want to avoid giving the
> impression that we are ignoring their requests - my current understanding
> is that we are non compliant.
> -Marco
>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2020, 9:46 AM Tong He <t...@apache.org> wrote:
>> My +1 on the R binding.
>> Tested with
>> - Build from source
>> - Install the R package and check it passed all tests.
>>> On 2020/07/10 18:31:27, Patrick Mu <zm2...@columbia.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Ciyong,
>>> I just discovered an issue with the 1.7, which causes the Yolo training
>> with latest Gluon CV Yolo to fail.
>>> The PR that causes the failure is
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/18358, which modifies
>> basic blocks of Gluon to fix a memory leak issue.
>>> Talked with Leonard, the author of the PR, and he said he found the root
>> cause, but patching that PR would modifies those Gluon basic blocks
>> further, which might be risky towards existing models and various customer
>> models.
>>> So my 2-cents is reverting this PR in 1.7, and try patching the PR in
>> 1.x and 2.0, meaning that the 1.7 won't have memory usage optimized by that
>> feature.
>>> I'd like to hear what you think about this issue.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ziyi
>>> On 2020/07/10 06:18:02, "Chen, Ciyong" <ciyong.c...@intel.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Community,
>>>> I would like to call for action to test/validate/vote for the release
>> candidate (1.7.0.rc0)
>>>> As there's not any voting result during the scheduled time window, I
>> would like to extend the time windows to July 13, 23:59:59 PST.
>>>> Please prepare your time and provide feedback if you've tried with the
>> pre-release code bases, thanks!
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Ciyong
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Chen, Ciyong <ciyong.c...@intel.com>
>>>> Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:48 PM
>>>> To: d...@mxnet.apache.org
>>>> Cc: Bob Paulin <b...@apache.org>; Henri Yandell <bay...@apache.org>;
>> Jason Dai <jason...@apache.org>; Markus Weimer <wei...@apache.org>;
>> Michael Wall <mjw...@apache.org>
>>>> Subject: RE: [VOTE] Release Apache MXNet (incubating) version 1.7.0.rc0
>>>> For the language bindings and windows platform, may I have your
>> support to help verify these features? Thanks!
>>>> @lanking520 to help verify the Scala/Java @gigasquid to help verify
>> the Clojure
>>>> @hetong007 to help verify the R
>>>> @yajiedesign to help verify the windows platform
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Ciyong Chen
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Chen, Ciyong <ciyong.c...@intel.com>
>>>> Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:39 PM
>>>> To: d...@mxnet.apache.org
>>>> Cc: Bob Paulin <b...@apache.org>; Henri Yandell <bay...@apache.org>;
>> Jason Dai <jason...@apache.org>; Markus Weimer <wei...@apache.org>;
>> Michael Wall <mjw...@apache.org>
>>>> Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache MXNet (incubating) version 1.7.0.rc0
>>>> Dear MXNet community,
>>>> This is the vote to release Apache MXNet (incubating) version 1.7.0.
>> Voting will start July 6, 23:59:59 PST and close on July 9, 23:59:59 PST.
>>>> Link to release notes:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MXNET/1.7.0+Release+notes
>>>> Link to release candidate:
>>>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/releases/tag/1.7.0.rc0
>>>> Link to source and signatures on apache dist server:
>>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/mxnet/1.7.0.rc0<
>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/mxnet/1.7.0.rc0/>
>>>> Please remember to TEST first before voting accordingly:
>>>> +1 = approve
>>>> +0 = no opinion
>>>> -1 = disapprove (provide reason)
>>>> Additional notes:
>>>>  *   There was an issue and discussion[1] regarding on a few numpy
>> operators failed due to numpy 1.19.0 released on Jun 20, 2020, which exists
>> in all branches (works with numpy <= 1.18.5). As numpy operator is still an
>> experimental feature in 1.7.0 release and mainly targeting in MXNet 2.0
>> release, so I decided to not block the voting and instead let the Community
>> decide whether this is a blocker for the release.
>>>> [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/18600
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Ciyong Chen

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