IMO that is NOT a blocker for the 1.1.1 release.  There are lots of
little issues with Tomahawk components.  If we waited to get every
last one done we would never release.  The main thing is to get this
out so we can fix the problem with myfaces-all.jar in 1.1.0 (a
legitimate blocker.)

Once this is out we can start a RC for all the stuff on the trunk that
has been fixed.  In the meantime, use the nightly if you need this


On 10/24/05, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sean Schofield wrote:
> > Are we satisified that there are no major issues in RC3?  Again, I
> > have not had time to test so I am relying on the my fellow committers
> > and the rest of the developer community.
> >
> > Any true show stopper bugs that affect the basic implementation?  jar
> > files?  Everything else should be dealt with on the trunk.  I am ready
> > to start voting but I think someone who has looked at the RC3 should
> > start the vote.  (I know TCK has been passed but what about the TLD's,
> > jar contents, etc...  basically no major screwups like last time.)
> >
> > sean
> >
> This BLOCKER issue is still unresolved for the 1_1_1 branch. Martin
> applied my patch to TRUNK and closed the issue, but the fix hasn't been
> applied to 1_1_1 yet.
> Regards,
> Simon

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