One thing, we should pass the TCK tests before releasing, shouldn't
we? What would happen if we release now but later when we release
other stuff (e.g. impl) the tests won't pass? That would possibly mean
to fix issues in commons and go for another release?. I think we
should pass the TCK before releasing commons, and then we could think
whether to release only commons or commons-api-impl. Thoughts?


2006/2/8, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > -1
> >
> > I don't confirm with the
> >
> > <site>
> >    <id>apache-site</id>
> >    <name>Apache Website</name>
> >    <url>scpexe://</url>
> > </site>
> >
> > of the distributionManagement section in the pom.
> >
> > It should be the real apache url for a release.
> >
> > Regards
> Good point but I disagree.  We are not releasing the website and this
> release is not intended to be used to publish the website.  (Nobody
> can do that but the committers.)  So its not relevant where the
> website would be published to.
> This release will be immediately superseded by the snapshot.  Soon
> (this weekend?) we will change the snapshot to publish the website to
> the official location.  The snapshot (trunk version) is what continuum
> is using to publish the website.
> Yes we could change it but technically that would require a new vote
> and retagging everything.  Also, we might accidentally publish to the
> real website ahead of schedule which we wouldn't want to do.
> > Bernd
> Sean

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