On 5/10/06, Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dennis Byrne schrieb:
>> Also, JBoss has decided to use the RI instead of MyFaces for JBoss 5.
>> The decision was purely one of time and resources.  By shipping the RI
>> we will be able to pass the JEE 5 TCK sooner.
> We need to branch for 1.2 and get moving.
Btw. if anyone has not noticed yet, Craig pointed out at JAX a huge
"political" issue with JSF 1.2

As of JEE 5 the webcontainers are not allowed in their classloader
hierarchy to make the jsf implementation overridable via a WEB-INF/lib
jsf (as far as I understood, Craig correct me there if I am wrong).

More precisely, you should not be allowed to replace the container's 1.2 implementation with a 1.1 implementation ... that would be like trying to replace the Servlet 2.5 implementation built in to the container  with a Servlet 2.4 or 2.3 implementation by trying to include the relevant jars of Tomcat inside your war.

It is certainly technically feasible for an app server to provide a mechanism to replace the JSF implementation inside the server itself.  Just keep in mind that the result of doing this is no longer guaranteed to be a "Java EE 5" server that has passed the entire platform suite of TCK tests.  The TCKs would have been run against the unmodified server as a unit.


So it will become way harder to push a new jsf implementation into a
webapp as soon as an application moves from a plain servlet runner
towards Tomcat.


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