Ok, I will open a new thread now.

As it seems, dojo 0.3 has been released, that was the reason why I was waiting for getting dojo down into Tomhahawk. Gerald Jürgen and all others having implemented components, my plan is to push dojo 0.3 into the sandbox by next week (sorry private live prevents me from doing that sooner)

So existing components might break in the process. If it is ok with you guys from your timetable I will opt for an early next week for having the codebase in the sandbox.

And as soon as all the components have been fixed to the 0.3 level (which I hope wont be too much work)

I will opt for getting the dojo codebase to a lower level.

(Tomahawk or a shared project)
Affected from this lower level move will be the dojo intiializer tag, the DojoUtils class and the dojo codebase itself.

So if there are no severe objections, I will opt for early next week for the dojo base update from 0.2.2 to 0.3.

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