>-bookmark support

Have seen more than one project go to Rails and Struts because of bookmarks and 
the learning curve argument.

Dennis Byrne

>-action based support or at least a "soft" integration hook
>*There should be a "standardized" way for a (real) front-controller
>for getting access in a GET URL to the MB facility. Sure there are
>several ways like NonFacesReq_FacesResponseServlet/Filter,
>PhaseListeners or custom lifecycle, or what a ever.
>-in DynaFaces / Avatar there is a JavaScript api. That would be funny
>to see a *jsf-driven* client side api for sending events back to the
>And at least, don't invent a "super" framework like Rails is...
>That should be more up to WebBeans. Than WebBeans be one (and only
>one; more are possible) perspective on JSF (and other stuff like EJB),
>or the developer can use it naked/plain.
>@Martin: cool thread :) have fun in munich!
>On 9/26/06, Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
>> > It might be worthwhile to check out some of the stuff proposed by HLS for 
>> > tapestry 5-- I do like the way he/others are handling bindings instead of 
>> > exposing them to the end developer.  The way bindings/attributes are 
>> > handled in JSF are by far the worst aspect of the API (maybe a close 
>> > second to statesaving requirements).
>> >
>> > Some of the other ideas he's proposing around queuing commands/events for 
>> > post processing on submit are pretty interesting, but I'm intrigued as to 
>> > how the N iteration cases will be handled and if the state size would get 
>> > just as bad as with JSF, where JSF forces some of these events to backing 
>> > beans in other scopes, not serialized.  I had discussed some similar ideas 
>> > around pushing a 2 phase component lifecycle (encode/decode) and queueing 
>> > events for processing with literal references, consolidating to only 2 
>> > tree walks.
>> >
>> > Also, avoiding mapping parent/child relationships within the component 
>> > itself might be something to look at.  This would allow us to have 
>> > components that exist in different lifecycles, much like EJBs, instead of 
>> > forcing transient relationships upon child branches.  This can be solved a 
>> > couple ways: either through injection like the other APIs, or via the 
>> > filter pattern, passing in a pointer to the children when you process a 
>> > given event.
>> >
>> > It'd be cool if Sun started a JSF 2.0 project on Java.net to start 
>> > publishing ideas in wiki format to get better community input.
>> >
>> > -- Jacob
>> I have to admit i have not looked to deeply into jsf 1.2
>> but there is one area which is a constant pain to say it mildly
>> the componet api generally,
>> way too much glue code, way too verbose way too much non java glue.
>> all i can say is, for the jsp part, move the taglib code into annotations
>> get rid of xml wherever possible
>> and move most of the component property glue into annotations as well
>> or have a sane autodefault with overrides.
>> on renderer level, add some templating mechanism to the mix so that most
>> stuff can be handled directly on a markup level instead of having
>> to go into the writer api, which is a major pain once the markup
>> becomes more complicated.
>> think about ways to enable easy componentization on pure markup level
>> without any gluecode at all (just like you did in facelets)
>> also a standardized way to have some kind of dialog like statefulness
>> should be thought of...
>Matthias Wessendorf
>further stuff:
>blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
>mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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