There's been a lot of discussion about annotation processing in a long thread tf3284592.html#a9136472 The current state of the code is that managed objects are created by MyFaces code, and then fed to an annotation processor using an interface like:

public interface AnnotationProcessor {
  public void postConstruct(Object instance);
  public void preDestroy(Object instance);
  public void processAnnotations(Object instance);

(Exceptions removed for clarity)

I have been implementing annotation support in the geronimo app client container and the geronimo-jetty6 integration and studying the openejb3 and native jetty annotation support and am starting to look at annotation support in a geronimo-myfaces integration, and have some ideas about how I'd like to handle geronimo injecting dependencies into jsf managed beans.

I'd like to propose that MyFaces use an interface like this for dealing with managed object construction, dependency injection, and lifecycle methods:

public interface LifecycleProvider {
    Object newInstance(String className);
    void destroyInstance(Object o);

This would fit in well with how annotation processing/dependency injection is done in the rest of geronimo. It also would let the container in which MyFaces is running supply additional features such as supporting constructor dependency injection.

To go into what is probably blindingly obvious detail, this would be a MyFaces interface and the container in which MyFaces is running would supply an object implementing this interface for each application.

It's more or less trivial to write an adapter between this interface and the AnnotationProcessor interface currently in use, for integration with containers that want to supply an AnnotationProcessor.

So far I've thought of two issues, IMO one minor and the other requiring more thought (at least on my part :-). Also I'm not at all familiar with the jsf spec so it's entirely possible I'm proposing details that can't be implemented.

1. The current code looks for ManagedBeanBuilder.NONE in between injecting dependencies and calling postConstruct. I don't think this is appropriate: I think whatever is handling the annotations should know not to call postConstruct for this class. If however the same class can be used in several different scopes the newInstance method could take the ManagedBean as parameter instead of the class name.

2. I'm proposing that the container inject an instance of LifecycleProvider for each jsf application. This leads to the question, injects into what? One simple possibility is a singleton LifecycleProviderFactory that indexes LifecycleProvider by application classloader. However I wonder if there is a way to more directly inject the LifecycleProvider into the parts of MyFaces that actually need to use it rather than making these components go fishing for the one they need. The kind of lazy initialization currently in wide use requires a lot more synchronization than it currently has to work reliably. I would prefer to use constructor dependency injection to final fields to avoid this kind of problem.

I've opened a jira issue to hold code samples related to this proposal, and attached some initial implementations of these ideas for discussion. Right now these new classes aren't hooked up to MyFaces, although I plan to work on that next.

Initial classes:

A core/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/config/annotation/
abstract class for singleton factory.

A core/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/config/annotation/ a LifecycleProviderFactory that expects to be populated by an external framework, with one LifecycleProvider instance per application classloader.

A core/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/config/annotation/ an adapter between the LifecycleProvider implementation I'm proposing and the existing AnnotationProcessor interface currently in use. This basically relies on there being only one AnnotationProcessor shared between all applications. This matches the current implementation but I think it is unsatisfactory in general.

A core/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/config/annotation/ Proposed interface for MyFaces to plug in external services that handle annotations, object construction, etc.

A core/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/config/annotation/ a LifecycleProviderFactory that uses the LifecycleProviderToAnnotationProcessorAdapter.

The jira issue is

Comments? Flames?

many thanks,
david jencks

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