>>> So I am fine by adding some Framework-Adapter specified stuff to the
>>> OrchestraServletFilter - instead of creating a new filter.
>> Isn't OrchestraServletFilter currently optional [1]? Using it to set up
>> the FrameworkAdapter would make it mandatory...
> Sorry Mario, I should have read your email more carefully. As
> OrchestraServletFilter *is* required when using JsfFrameworkAdapter,
> then setting the FrameworkAdapter threadlocal makes perfect sense there.
Simon, I've never received a message with the text "Isn't
OrchestraServletFilter ....".
I hope there are no other messages I've lost from you :-(

I am currently cleaning up the RequestParameterProvider (as proposed by
Matthias). I'll now provide a FacesContextFactory and the filter.
When testing the filter I've found, that it also requires the
FrameworkAdapter which requires the OrchestraServletFilter to have the
httpServlet* thread-locals setup appropriate.
Now, my test is to configure the RequestParameterServletFilter for a non
JSF request - currently it fails as the OrchestraServletFilter has not
been configured for such non JSF requests - and I think it is not a good
idea to do so.

What if we create a FrameworkAdapterFilter to setup the stuff required
for the FrameworkAdapter itself. It makes things cleaner, no?
Though, then we have yet another configuration option ... :-(
Maybe we can call the FrameworkAdapterFilter from the
OrchestraServletFilter so that one has to configure the
FrameworkAdapterFilter only in special cases.

What do you think?


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