Like a scheduler within the webapp? this way i can have orchestra to
EntityManager round to do lazy loading of a huge object.
No, many of Orchestra's data-structures are kept in the session scope which is not available during a non http request.
After thinking about again it I realized that I wrote nonsense here.
In fact Orchestra WILL work in non servlet environments .... for example, we startup a compatible environment for our junit tests.

And it sould be simple - it is all about the FrameworkAdapter.
I've copied our mock class over to the core and now there is a org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.frameworkAdapter.local.LocalFrameworkAdapter class which should help you to solve the problem.

Use it with something like this:

LocalFrameworkAdapter frameworkAdapter = new LocalFrameworkAdapter(); frameworkAdapter.setApplicationContext(applicationContext); // <= the Spring application context you have to gather from somewhere

Notice, FrameworkAdapter.setInstance is thread bound, so you'll have to do this for each thread going to use Orchestra. If you use a fresh frameworkAdapter per run or share it over multiple runs is up to you, depending if you have conversations running longer than one sheduler task, however, the LocalFrameworkAdapter is not thread safe. If you need such a feature, just copy over the LocalFrameworkAdapter and synchronized the maps, however (2), the entity manager itself is not thread safe.

I don't know how your sheduler works, but you also could configure this FrameworkAdapter as prototype in Spring and get the ApplicationContext injected ... automatically.


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