On 11/29/07, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> >> that would easy the debugging as well.
> >>
> >
> > why? If you have both sources for api and impl jar in your IDE there
> > is no difference.
> >
> It IS. You have to know at which class to set a breakpoint. Even if you
> see a shared class, you have to set the breakpoint to the refactored
> shared_tomahawk, shared_impl, etc. Depending on which lib you are going
> to debug.

yes, yes, of course - sorry. I should read more carefully. I thought
Matthias meant that it's easier to debug if you do not have splittet
jars - API and Impl. One of the other 7 discussions we are having
concurrently within this thread, you know.  ;-)
Debugging "shared" IS horror today, sure! Agreed!

> Currently this also requires you to know which version you are going to
> debug as e.g. Tomahawk uses the shared from the 1.1 trunk while the 1.2
> trunk has its own shared. I already spent a significat amount of time
> during debugging until I figured out that fact.
> Also, if you change something in shared you have to run maven ... you
> know why ;-)


> I don't see any reason why we shoulnd't being able to provide a stable
> api even for shared.

Thing is: One beneficiary of shared (and not the least important!) is
the myfaces-impl, which is a candidate to be provided by J2EE
containers. Therefore we MUST ensure that ALL classes that form the
actual jsf implementation reside in a private namespace. This is the
only way to avoid unwanted sideeffects when users deploy their apps
together with other beneficiaries of "shared" (Tomahawk, ...)
Please note: this is no unusual case. Some containers use re-packaged
XML-Parsers to avoid unwanted sideeffects when a user deploys an app
together with a newer (or older) Xerces. Even Sun Java runtime is
shipped with a re-packaged Xalan.


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