1) we do an abstract component base class, very clean, however, it
will not work for MyFaces-AP
I personally think we can go with option 1 only - there are not so
many API classes, and changes in the API are not ocurring too often.
I have no problems if this does not work with the API stuff, even if another solution would be great, this is the best we can get given our all time constraints.

As you said, anything else will allow us to work in a normal way with our IDEs.

If it fits your needs, I also do not care if we checkin the generated files. But then, it is required that mvn eclipse:eclipse and mvn idea:idea correctly generate the files first and then adds them as additional source to the project. Probably this is possible. Said that, the question is what we would like to see in SVN. Some xml file changes where we do not know how they get woven into the generated files, or a well known svn history. So, from my current point of view I'd vote to checkin the generated files too.


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