>     Would one mind if I add these two new attributes to the t:column tag?
> Yes

> RowID already exists on <t:table>
Oh - great. Might work, just, that it is that weird implemented that it
wont work with facelets.

Anyone has some informations why the tag handler uses
        setStringProperty(component, JSFAttr.ROW_ID, _rowId);
where ROW_ID is some strange string constant instead of the normal
getter/setter on the component?
I think I have to change this to make it work and to avoid to have a
useles custom tag-handler for facelets.

Also, the value of this rowId is simply rendered without any further
id-like processing. Means, it goes 1:1 into the result html without any
Seems odd to me too. But for my case it is not that bad that way ;-)

> As for columns, have you tested <t:column id="a">?
Does not get renderer somewhere either.
Well, now, when I am going to fix this too, does one expect, if this id
has been set, that the id is reflected in the cell-id or does it seem
clear that the id goes into the th? I think the first one is the one
expected, but I can't use it that way.
I'd prefer having a columnHeaderId on t:column - this id is simply
rendered with the th element.


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