entering the color with keyboard is a good point, so I agree not a showstopper,

For the spinbox I agree it's a much less annoying case than the chooseColor, but still, I agree with Matthias that 1 tab stop would be preferable to 3.



Andrew Robinson wrote:
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Gabrielle Crawford
 > Is this for trinidad? Is there an issue filed?

 yeah. there is an enhancement filed. Don't have the issue #, but the
 archives truly will point you to it ;-)


 >  I'm not exactly sure what you are adding, but for accessibility I think
 >  everything needs to be reachable via the keyboard, meaning the
 >  chooseColor in general and the individual colors as well. However I
 >  think 1 tab stop and then use arrow keys to get to the other colors once
 >  in the chooseColor?

 sounds reasonable.

Arrow key support would have to wait as that is a much bigger ER. The
worst of it is that at least in FF, a selection border is not visible,
so the user cannot even tell if one of the color palette cells even
has the focus. So right now, a tab stop or arrow key support is

Also, I don't see this as an accessible requirement at the moment as
the user can still can manually enter a color (not saying that it
should not work your way, just that it isn't a show stopper).

It sounds like I should add a tab index to the upper-left swatch (the
delete cell) and add a new ER bug to add keyboard support to the
chooseColor. BTW, chooseColor is one of those old deprecated renderers
that still needs to be re-written for "JSF-style rendering".

 for spinbox I can see that one TAB is enough as well.
 don't have tabIndex for the buttons. use arrow keys to
 de or increase the value.

Spinbox is different, it uses arrow keys to change the values but
there are only 2 buttons. A color palette has many clickable color


> Thanks,
 >  Gab
 >  Andrew Robinson wrote:
 >  > I was working on the feature to add tab index to components tonight
 >  > and after getting it to work with the color palette (chooseColor), I
 >  > don't think that it is very useful. There are just too many links to
 >  > tab through. Perhaps I can just enable it for the upper left link? Or
 >  > do you think that we should just not support tabIndex for chooseColor?
 >  >
 >  > -Andrew
 >  >

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
 sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
 mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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